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Create a New Account
Display Name:
This is your display name on the MYBA portal. This can be your real name,
nickname, or anything you want (e.g., John Doe, janedoe, Hotrod34, etc.).
Email Address:
Enter your email address.
Confirm Email:
Confirm your email address.
Create a password. Your password must contain at least 6 characters,
including at least one letter and at least one number. Special characters are not allowed.
Confirm Password:
Confirm your password.
Security Question:
What was the name of your elementary / primary school?
In what city was your first job?
What was the color of your first car?
What is the name of your favorite childhood friend?
What is the street number of the house you grew up in?
In what city or town did your mother and father meet?
Select a security question. You will be asked this question if you ever forget your password.
Security Answer:
Enter the answer to your selected security question.
Email Preferences:
News and Announcements
Schedule Changes that Affect You
Reminders About Concession Stand Duty
Choose the emails that you'd like to receive from MYBA.